Org Tenancy Keys

0,99  / month and a 0,99  sign-up fee
Social Creds : 10Points

Institutional Access to  Tenancy keys for Type: Organization/Institutional/Association for activation of affiliated members on the beneficiary registry. Types of organisation: Not for profits, Associations, Trade Unions, Co-operative Banks, Trusts, Public Institutions such as public companies where the public is the shareholder, insurance, banking and non-banking companies, financial intermediation companies, and any public bodies instituted by…


Institutional Access to  Tenancy keys for Type: Organization/Institutional/Association for activation of affiliated members on the beneficiary registry.

Types of organisation: Not for profits, Associations, Trade Unions, Co-operative Banks, Trusts, Public Institutions such as public companies where the public is the shareholder, insurance, banking and non-banking companies, financial intermediation companies, and any public bodies instituted by a public act.

Affiliated beneficiaries can then use Trust keys to access any digital resources and to manage data residency and social finance services deployed on the Open Constitution AI network, a digital commons infrastructure.

Placing a request activates E Residency lease for each affiliated (natural person) beneficiary and provides access to the network resources;

  • Activates a beneficiary membership account with the Trust fiscal host in your local jurisdiction.
  • Each natural person receives a right-to-use and entitlement grant to Open Constitution AI Network Digital Resources and intellectual property rights. A natural person can manage data residency using these entitlements.
  • Member access to Organizational Tenant offers & benefits.


  • E residency benefits of the natural person includes:

    E Residency access to

  • CouncilPost journal

  • Foundation School

  • Sentient Bot

  • Jobs and bounties in the Foundation.


  • Signs up a natural person for privileged access to adopted charters of the Foundation.

  • E-resident gets a wallet which holds a community token to be able to participate in ballot.


  • Gets member-privileged access to Electoral Charter
  • Activation of E residency universal franchise – you get one vote.
  • A member can control Open Treasury proposals and resolutions.
  • A member can self-govern the network and steer proposals.


  • This request requires self-ID verification. Verification takes place when an affiliated natural person claims their E residency account.
  • The request requires consent to the Open Constitution AI network’s Global Statutes and Articles of Association. Each affiliated beneficiary signs up to the AI Network Self-Governance agreement when claiming their accounts.
  • The request registers natural persons with the local membership registry run by the fiscal host based on the Organization’s and affiliated beneficiary’s tax residency.
  • The request involves signing up for Contributor License Clarification if any affiliated beneficiary makes voluntary contributions after joining the Trust.